Organization of IT department

At present, the basis of any well-functioning company is a more or less complex IT system with the necessary technical infrastructure.

Often companies do not intend to use outsourcing of IT services, in this case the only solution is having their own IT department in their structure. digitec offers companies comprehensive help in creating effective IT departments. In a very general way, the process of creating an IT department in a company can be divided into the following stages:

  • Requirements analysis – involves analyzing the needs of the business and building a preliminary IT strategy
  • Recruiting employees – digitec after identifying the human resources needs of the IT department, runs the full recruitment process. This approach makes it possible to employ competent staff, fully adapted to the needs of the company. This step is performed at the start of the deployment and allows for a full involvement of the emerging team.
  • providing hardware and software – digitec provides hardware and software. The scope of delivery is determined by the responsibility of the digitec and customer requirements.
  • training employees and gradual transfer of responsibility to the IT department – it can be said that this stage begins properly at the beginning of the whole process, because digitec is trying to make the newly formed team as early as possible involved in the IT department.

Thanks to the help of specialists digitec, the customer avoids wandering and “knocking” open doors and thus incurring unnecessary costs.

digitec helps its customers not only in creating IT departments from scratch, but also in their effective reorganization.